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Regular wellness activities in care homes prove to be very popular with residents, bringing interaction and movement into an otherwise, often, sedentary lifestyle.

What are the benefits?


- Improves both physical and mental wellbeing in residents

- Reduces agitation and anxiety

- Helps mobility, posture & co-ordination

- Provides social interaction

- Encourages deeper breathing

- Promotes relaxation and quality sleep


How does it work?


Yoga :  30 minute class focusing on mobilizing the joints throughout the body, building some strength in the limbs, coordination exercises and relaxation / sing song.

Classes are conducted from wherever you feel is most suitable in the setting and residents remain seated in their armchairs throughout, making this type of yoga suitable for everyone, regardless of their physical abilities.


Massage : Carried out with the resident fully clothed, sitting in a chair. Gentle massage can focus on head, neck shoulders, arms and hands. A typical massage can last between 10-15 mins.


Yoga and massage can be packaged together to complement each other or delivered independently.

Please get in touch to discuss your requirements!

Senior Years Wellness : Classes
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